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4 Responses

  1. Thank you Menelisi. You may check out the work of Mark Lubell who studies networks of actors in environmental policy spaces (and champions the concept of ecology of games). You have a wealth of data and more formal network analysis might be done with it.

  2. This is a very interesting presentation Menelisi. There seems to be a misalignment between traditional leaders and local democratic governance. How is this part of a broader challenge in South Africa (and post-colonial Africa) of situating traditional leadership within the post-1994 democratic space as Ntsebeza and others have written about?

    1. Many scholars in South Africa argue that it is difficult to merge both traditional and democratic structures (such as Ntsebeza). The misalignment between the two structures has exacerbated deep structural tensions over the past 26 year.

      However, we argue that the traditional leadership is compatible with modern democracy and has the potential to improve governance and collaboration, and also effect transformations in rural South Africa for two reasons. Firstly, from an SLM perspective, the Communal Land Tenure Policy (CLTP) mandates the traditional leaders to distribute land in their areas. As such, it is their role as traditional leaders to ensure that community needs and interests are factored into local and district planning. Secondly, the Municipal Structures Act allows traditional leaders to attend and participate in council meetings as ex-officio members, thereby enhancing co-operative governance across scales.

      Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen and capacitate traditional leaders as a way of enhancing transformative governance to promote sustainability in rural South Africa. I hope I have answered your question.

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