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4 Responses

  1. Great video! These kind of exercises are challenging. What do you see as the main outcome, the scenarios for the future, or a potential change in mental models of the participants? Since you talk about “we” in the creation of the scenarios, can you elaborate who “we” are, especially since in 2050 a large part of the adult population by that time is not able to participate in your exercise.

    1. Thank you for the comment, Marco Janssen. This is a very good question. From these type of exercises, it is often repeated that the participatory process is just as important as the concrete outcome (e.g. in the form of pathway elements). It is crucial both that the 2030 Agenda is interpreted and perhaps conquered at the local level, and to move away from deterministic or business as usual futures to explore how alternative futures may look like. I think the process we have developed does this well as also some of the participants’ feedback indicated. However, also in the specific case study of the 2018 African Dialogue on the World In 2050, the goal was on the outcome in order to compare the different pathway elements to the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. This comparison is further discussed in Aguiar et al. (in review, available as PrePrint Co-designing global target-seeking scenarios: a cross-scale participatory process for capturing multiple perspectives on pathways to sustainability.

      I was mostly referring to “we” as either we the authors, but also as a collective humanity. Just as you say, a large part of the adult population of 2050 cannot participate in todays’ exercises. However, if anything I believe that this exercise brings more of the future to the present and make us to a larger extent consider the views of future generations.

  2. Very good presentation.

    Related to Marco’s point, who takes the findings forward? Did you engage the African Union or some African countries?

    1. Thank you very much for your comment and question. The findings from the case study discussed has been taken forward within the World In 2050 initiative, not at least by referring back to the dialogue outcomes in the first report. Also, as part of the focus is on the actual process our hope is that the participants bring the results forward. We are nevertheless looking for alternative venues and I would be grateful to hear if you have any suggestion.

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