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11 Responses

  1. The presentation hints at the question, “What would a more inclusive approach to rehabilitation in this context look like?” Other pastoral groups such as the Borana in southern Ethiopia have a forms of communal enclosures/exclosures which appear to be more inclusive of the entire community.

    1. Exactly. Enclosures have been practiced in Borana for a long time, which are primarily used as community rangeland reserves for calves during the dry season. But in the recent two decades, private enclosures for crop cultivation are also getting very common.

      1. just like the Borana, crop and grown pasture (as opposed to natural pastures) enclosures are on the increase in the Njemps mainly as a means for livelihood diversification.

    2. the question of inclusivity did arise in the course of the study. the community members are allowed to access the enclosure for dry season grazing at a fee. the number of livestock each household can take to enclosure is determined by the group. the group managing enclosure is also expected to use 10% of the returns for community work.

  2. This is interesting. Related to the comment above by Lance it would be good to get a response on how ‘various interests’ among the herders are being affected.

    There is mention of SLM at the Household level – which households? I presume not all?

    1. the question of inclusivity did arise in the course of the study. the community members are allowed to access the enclosure for dry season grazing at a fee. the number of livestock each household can take to enclosure is determined by the group. the group managing enclosure is also expected to use 10% of the returns for community work.

    2. sorry for the double posting. Loss of communal grazing land as a result of enclosures was a concern especially with restricted movement arising from both communal and private enclosures. however there are disgnated watering points along rivers and the lake that are freely accessible to all.

  3. I enjoyed the presentation very much and have two questions, which are similar to the ones asked by Everisto and Lance.

    First, is there a correlation between individual ownership of land and the adoption of SLMP?

    Second, can anyone become member of a group? How are groups organized? What are the criteria for group membership?

    Third, do pastoralists still migrate or move with their livestock or is this really a thing of the past? What do pastoralists do when there is a drought? Do they move elsewhere or stay put?

    1. all the surveyed households owned land individually. this land is communal, but has been informally dermacated and the owners are recognized by the rest of the community and operate it as individual land.

      the groups were formed as farmers self help groups before establishment of the enclosures. anyone can join the groups but have to pay a joining fee. the higher the benefits the higher the joining fee. benefits include income from selling grass seeds, income from hay sale, dry season grazing and income from honey and beeswax dependen on how well group is perfomimg.

      Cattle migration has greatly decreased. mainly because of insecurity. See Clemens Greiner Guns, land, and votes: Cattle rustling and the politics of boundary (re)making in Northern Kenya
      High population growth and the informal privatisation together with the accompanying enclosures men there isnt large unoccupied land to migrate to. herders may take their cattle to friends who have bigger pieces of land during dry seasons. Again some large tracts of land have been claimed and are not in use or enclosed, those areas are still grazed on. Migration is not completely dead but it has greatly decreased. 78 % of my survey respondents said it had declined while my FGD said it had decreased with over 70%.

  4. Enjoyed your presentation, and great to see some positive outcomes on the enclosed land. A broader picture on the entire herding landscape can better reveal the pros and cons?

    1. yeap, am sure a broader picture can do that. i did look at land use and cover change as a factor of land degradation and that cover more on nomadism. though that isnt part of this presentation.

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