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4 Responses

  1. This is a thoughtful analysis. What will be done with those results? Are your results used to stimulate a discussion in the region on the gender specific impact of gas and oil extraction?

    1. Thank you for your comment. My hope is that this topic will stimulate further discussion on women’s position in oil and gas extraction not only in Ghana but also other African countries. I had hoped to conduct a similar study for Uganda however, those plans have been put on hold due to COVid19.

  2. Thank you, Sandra.

    Women also do have agency and are not necessarily passive. I see that you note that some women own fishing boats. You make a comment that women supplement men’s (husbands) income. Are there no instances where women earn more? Maybe we need to start re-shaping the discourse on gendered income as well.

    In this virtual conference, Ravic and Tobias also look at CSR. It might be good for you to watch their video presentations as well.

  3. Yes, I agree with you. There’s need to reshape the discourse from only looking at women as victims to address the nuance of women’s agency. While the political, socioeconomic and cultural environment in Ghana’s oil and gas industry does not pay close attention to its differentiated impacts on women’s livelihoods, women have adopted means to maneuver these challenges. Some have even risen to a point where they are better off than the men. Therefore, it is important to bring women to the forefront of oil development discussions and coast livelihoods policy. And thank you for the recommendations.

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