13 July 2020
8:00 AM UTC/GMT+00:00
27 July 2020
5:00 PM UTC 0
Online Worldwide
Total Spaces
Deadline June 1st, 2020
Deadline July 1st, 2020
Free of charge
We welcome presentations about all elements of commons research by African scholars and scholars beyond Africa on the governance of shared resources in Africa. We expect contributions about natural resource governance, urban commons, transboundary governance, collective action and conflict resolution, large-scale land investments, and the commons, how migration is affecting as well as reconfiguring the commons.
This conference will occur online. During the meeting, which will take place over two weeks, talks will be available for viewing on the conference website. Q&A will also take place online during this period. Only IASC members will be able to pose questions to speakers via online comments, and speakers will be able to reply in the same way.
We realize that a virtual conference will not have the same intensity as a face-to-face conference. However, we expect that this still leads to a lively interaction between the participants. The reason we organize such a conference is to provide a low-cost opportunity to interact with other scholars. There will be no registration fee for the conference. Still, IASC members can log in to the system and comment on presentations.
Instead of traveling to the conference to attend panels and deliver a talk, as speakers, you will do the following:
2Answer questions. During the conference, participants can ask you questions, and we expect you to respond to questions raised by your talk, submitted on the comments section of your presentation. You will receive an automated email each time someone posts a question or comment. All videos will be available for everyone to see, but only IASC members can log in and pose questions.
1Create and submit a video of your presentation with a maximum length of 10 minutes. You can record your video with a desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, or other devices. You can film yourself giving a talk or have a narrated slide show. You may also pursue a more ambitious edited video that combines you talking in your office, or the field, and slides and animations. It is now possible, and relatively easy, to record a talk of good quality giving the increase of relevant software availability.
3View other presentations and ask questions to other speakers. Since the conference lasts two weeks, you will not experience the problem of parallel sessions as in face-to-face meetings.
4 Participate in Webinar conference panels. We organize a selected number of panels during the conference as Webinars, where a discussant and some presenters discuss their research.
June 1, 2020, is the deadline for abstracts. We use this information for planning purposes, such as identifying clusters of presentations and finding discussants for the various sessions. The abstract will be posted online with the respective video if accepted.
Participants should submit their videos before July 1, 2020.
To submit a video the participant has to be an IASC member. Not a member yet? Become an IASC member here.
Video files should be sent to by the submission deadline. Videos must be submitted in one of the file formats supported by YouTube (.MOV, .MPEG4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS .FLV, 3GPP and WebM) and be no longer than 10 minutes! Video files can be quite large, so we recommend sending them using Dropbox, Wetransfer, or an alternative file-sharing service.
Each video will be evaluated and accepted for inclusion in the program depend on the following:
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