Welcome to the AFRICA Regional Section of the IASC!


Date: 9th of April, 2025

Time: 11:00 a.m. CET

"Addressing Food sovereignty through the lens of the commons: some considerations for collective action"

The International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC), Africa region, organized over the last 3 years a series of webinars for informative, learning and discussion purposes.

The webinars were based on a competitive call for submissions and were structured around the following thematic areas: customary norms, legal formalism and property rights in the commons; conflicts of resource use; commons management institutions and sustainable development issues in the African context.

In the context of the 2025 webinar series, the IASC-Africa region is inviting resource-persons to share their experiences and interact with the IASC’s academic, research and practitioner communities on the links between their areas of expertise and the commons’ approach. This webinar offers an opportunity for preparatory and awareness conversations ahead of the biennial conference in June.

For more information and Zoom link to join, visit the event page here


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Regional IASC Coordinator Africa

Everisto Mapedza

Senior researcher / social and institutional scientist, International Water Management Institute (Ghana) E-mail Institutional website